Contributors and Collaborators

The following individuals and institutions have contributed data or are working with us to contribute data to Footprints:
  • Jesse Abelman
  • Gabriel Angulo
  • Javier del Barco, CSIC
  • Chiara Camarda
  • Yacine Chemssi
  • Sandra Chiritescu
  • Kate Cornelius
  • Jacob Djmal
  • Daniela Echeverria
  • Shevi Epstein
  • Elli Fischer
  • Eli Genauer
  • Joseph Ginsberg
  • Miryam Gordon
  • Haim Gottschalk
  • Nina Hill
  • Moriah Kennedy
  • Miriam Krakowski
  • Martina Mampieri
  • Chaim (Louis) Meiselman
  • Rachel Mincer
  • Marianna Najman-Franks
  • Russel Neiss
  • Yael Okun
  • Gila Prebor
  • Fabrizio Quaglia
  • David Rabbani
  • Lucia Raspe
  • Sara Saiger
  • David Selis
  • Nadav Sharon
  • Lyudmila Sholokhova
  • Shaul Seidler-Feller
  • Tali Winkler

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