
Treves, Johanan ben Joseph
Yoḥanan Treves
Book Copies

תורת כהנים 1 book copy

Published c. 1510, Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
  • 1515? - 1587?, in Italy
    as זה ספר תורת כהנים הנקרא סיפרא דבי רב עם פירוש הראבד זצל 
    owned by Ibn Yahya, Gedalya
    full details
  • 1971, in Tel Aviv, Israel
    as זה ספר תורת כהנים הנקרא סיפרא דבי רב עם פירוש הראבד זצל 
    owned by Israel Mehlman
    full details
  • c. 1975 - 2007, in Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
    as זה ספר תורת כהנים הנקרא סיפרא דבי רב עם פירוש הראבד זצל 
    owned by Jewish National and University Library
    full details
  • 2007, in Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
    as זה ספר תורת כהנים הנקרא סיפרא דבי רב עם פירוש הראבד זצל 
    owned by National Library of Israel
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Zeh ha-Sefer Sifra 8 book copies

Published 1545, Venice, Veneto, Italy
  • 1904, in Berlin, Berlin, Germany
    as זה הספר ספרא : זה תורת כהני׳ 
    owned by Hochschule für die Wissenschaft des Judentums
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  • 1942, in Berlin, Berlin, Germany
    as זה הספר ספרא : זה תורת כהני׳ 
    owned by Deutsches Reich. Reichssicherheitshauptamt Bibliothek
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  • c. 1964, in Waltham, MA
    as Zeh ha-sefer Sifra : sipur [ ]rato mi-kol genizah ḥamudah : maʻyan ʻaʹsah min zeh Torat Kohani[m] yaḳar me-odem u-fiṭedah ḳadmoniyot hitbonenu shem ha-meḥaber s.t.m. Sifra Rabi Yehudah le-hagiha oto ke-Mahara"r Yoḥanan Ish Ṭreṿesh ytsuir"u ha-deh, ke-yad ha-Shem ha-ṭovah ʻalaṿ le-haʾir nativ le-torah ṿeli-teʻudah. 
    owned by Brandeis University Library
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  • 1545 - 1575, in Cairo, Egypt
    as Sifra, Torat Kohanim 
    owned by Bezalel Ashkenazi
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  • 1575 - 1579, in Safed, Israel
    as Sifra, Torat Kohanim 
    owned by Bezalel Ashkenazi
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  • 1579 - 1587, in Egypt
    as Sifra, Torat Kohanim 
    owned by Bezalel Ashkenazi
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  • 1587 - 1593, in Jerusalem, Israel
    as Sifra, Torat Kohanim 
    owned by Bezalel Ashkenazi
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  • in Moskovsky, Russia
    as Sefer Sifra 
    owned by Yakov Klemuskiy
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  • November 27, 1876, in Russia
    as Sefer Sifra 
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  • c. 1993?, in Philadelphia, United States
    as Sefer Sifra 
    owned by The Library of the Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies as KCAJS, The University of Pennsylvania
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  • 1887? - 1939?, in London, England, United Kingdom
    as Zeh HaSefer Sifra 
    owned by Moses Gaster
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  • 2009 - 2017, in London, England, United Kingdom
    as Zeh HaSefer Sifra 
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  • 2009, in London, England, United Kingdom
    as Zeh HaSefer Sifra 
    owned by Jack Lunzer, Valmadonna Trust Collection
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  • 2017, in Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
    as Zeh HaSefer Sifra 
    owned by National Library of Israel
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  • 1861? - 1936, in Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
    as Sifra 
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  • 1937, in Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
    as Sifra 
    owned by University of Glasgow
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  • November 24, 1941
    as Zeh ha-Sefer Sifra 
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  • June 22, 2023, in New York, New York, United States
    as Zeh ha-Sefer Sifra 
    owned by Jewish Theological Seminary
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  • June 22, 2023, in New York, New York, United States
    as Zeh ha-Sefer Sifra 
    owned by Jewish Theological Seminary
    full details
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