Toaliyot ha-Ralbag

Levi ben Gershon as Levi ben Gershom,
Book Copies

Beʾur ʿal ha-Torah - ביאור על התורה 22 book copies

Published 1475 - 1476, Mantova, Lombardy, Italy
  • as Beʾur ʿal ha-Torah - ביאור על התורה 
    full details
  • 19th century, in Tempsford, England, United Kingdom
    as Beʾur ʿal ha-Torah - ביאור על התורה 
    owned by Stuart, William
    full details
  • 1899, in Francofurti ad Moenum
    as Beʾur ʿal ha-Torah - ביאור על התורה 
    owned by University Library Frankfurt am Main
    full details
  • 1611, in Lugo, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
    as Persush 'al ha-Torah 
    full details
  • 1871? - c. 1920, in Germany, Germany
    as Persush 'al ha-Torah 
    owned by Aron Freimann
    full details
  • c. 1920, in Germany, Germany
    as Persush 'al ha-Torah 
    owned by Hebrew Union College Jewish Institute of Religion, Klau Library Cincinnati
    full details
  • c. 1920, in Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
    as Perush ʻal ha-Torah 
    owned by Hebrew Union College Jewish Institute of Religion, Klau Library Cincinnati
    full details
  • c. 1600? - c. 1653?, in London, England, United Kingdom
    as [Comm. on the Pentatuech[ 
    owned by John Selden
    full details
  • 1654, in London, England, United Kingdom
    as [Comm. on the Pentatuech[ 
    owned by Estate of John Selden
    full details
  • 1655, in Oxford, England, United Kingdom
    as [Comm. on the Pentateuch] 
    owned by Bodleian Library, Oxford
    full details
  • 1663, in Gloucester, England, United Kingdom
    as [Comm. on the Pentatuech[ 
    owned by Gloucester Cathedral Library
    full details
  • as Leṿi ben Gershom yitbarakh ṿe-yitʻaleh ha-tsur ha-mamtsi 
    full details
  • 1610
    as Leṿi ben Gershom yitbarakh ṿe-yitʻaleh ha-tsur ha-mamtsi 
    full details
  • c. 1912 - July 2, 1930, in Berlin, Berlin, Germany
    as Perush ha-Torah 
    owned by Otto H. F. Vollbehr
    full details
  • July 3, 1930, in Washington, D.C., Washington, D.C., United States
    as Leṿi ben Gershom yitbarakh ṿe-yitʻaleh ha-tsur ha-mamtsi 
    owned by Library of Congress
    full details
  • 1877? - 1910?, in Sankt-Peterburg, Russia
    as Perusch Ha-torah 
    owned by David Ginzburg St. Petersburg
    full details
  • 1910?, in Sankt-Peterburg, Russia
    as Perusch Ha-torah 
    owned by St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
    full details
  • 1619, in Ancona, Italy
    as Biur al ha-Torah 
    full details
  • February 1902, in Boston, United States
    as Biur al ha-Torah 
    owned by James Frothingham Hunnewell
    full details
  • 1919, in Cambridge, United States
    as Biur al ha-Torah 
    owned by Harvard University
    full details
  • in Cambridge, United States
    as Biur al ha-Torah 
    owned by Harvard University
    full details
  • 1977, in Montréal, Canada
    as Biur al ha-Torah 
    owned by Jacob Lowy
    full details
  • 1977, in Ottawa, Canada
    as Biur al ha-Torah 
    owned by Library and Archives Canada
    full details
  • in New York, New York, United States
    as Biur al ha-Torah 
    owned by Jewish Theological Seminary as Jewish Theological Seminary
    full details
  • as Biur al ha-Torah 
    owned by ר׳ דוד מונייון
    full details
  • in ליוורנו
    as Biur al ha-Torah 
    owned by הושע בן כמ׳ יואב אלייא
    full details
  • in ליוורנו
    as Biur al ha-Torah 
    owned by מנחם בכמ׳ יואב אלייא
    full details
  • in ליוורנו
    as Biur al ha-Torah 
    owned by אפרי ו אברהם סגל
    full details
  • in ליוורנו
    as Biur al ha-Torah 
    owned by ר׳ נחם במ׳ דוד
    full details
  • in מנטובה
    as Biur al ha-Torah 
    owned by מרדכי בן ברכיה ראובן (?)
    full details
  • in Modena, Italia
    as Biur al ha-Torah 
    owned by חיים יזייא בר׳ יוסף
    full details
  • as Biur al ha-Torah 
    owned by Da Fr. David Samuel Borges
    full details
  • in פראג
    as Biur al ha-Torah 
    owned by משה קואי
    full details
  • 1609, in Italy
    as Biur al ha-Torah 
    full details
  • 1815? - 1824?, in ליוורנו
    as Biur al ha-Torah 
    full details
  • 1903, in New York, New York, United States
    as Biur al ha-Torah 
    owned by Jewish Theological Seminary as Jewish Theological Seminary
    full details
  • 1903, in Philadelphia, United States
    as Biur al ha-Torah 
    owned by Mayer Sulzberger
    full details
  • 1889? - ?, in Firenze, Italy
    as Biur al ha-Torah 
    owned by Biblioteca del Collegio Rabbinico Italiano
    full details
  • 1952, in New York, New York, United States
    as Gersonides (Levi ben Gershom) 
    owned by Delmonico Collection
    full details
  • December 17, 2008, in New York, New York, United States
    as Gersonides (Levi ben Gershom) 
    full details
  • 1888? - 1892?, in Sankt-Peterburg, Russia
    as Biur al ha-Torah 
    owned by Lev Faivelevich Friedland
    full details
  • 1892, in Sankt-Peterburg, Russia
    as Biur al ha-Torah 
    owned by St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
    full details
  • 1910?, in Sankt-Peterburg, Russia
    as Biur al ha-Torah 
    owned by St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
    full details
  • 1910, in Sankt-Peterburg, Russia
    as Biur al ha-Torah 
    owned by Daniel Chwolson
    full details
  • as Gersonides (Levi ben Gershom) 
    owned by Elijah ben Isaac Japheth
    full details
  • 1575, in Ferrara, Italy
    as Gersonides (Levi ben Gershom) 
    full details
  • 1601
    as Gersonides (Levi ben Gershom) 
    full details
  • 1615?
    as Gersonides (Levi ben Gershom) 
    full details
  • 1623, in Mantova, Italy
    as Gersonides (Levi ben Gershom) 
    full details
  • 18th century, in ליוורנו
    as Gersonides (Levi ben Gershom) 
    full details
  • 1959, in London, United Kingdom
    as Biur al ha-Torah 
    owned by Berthold Strauss? as Berthold Strauss
    full details
  • March 1966, in New York, New York, United States
    as Biur al ha-Torah 
    owned by Mendel Gottesman Library Special Collections, Yeshiva University
    full details
  • c. 1912, in München, Germany
    as Perusch Ha-torah 
    full details
  • 1993, in Philadelphia, United States
    as Be'ur be-divre ha-Torah 
    owned by The Library of the Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies as KCAJS, The University of Pennsylvania
    full details

Perush al ha-Torah 11 book copies

Published 1547, Venice, Veneto, Italy
  • as Perush ʻal ha-Torah. 
    full details
  • as Perush ʻal ha-Torah. 
    full details
  • 1619, in Mantova, Lombardy, Italy
    as Perush ʻal ha-Torah. 
    full details
  • ? - c. 1964, in Chicago, Illinois, United States
    as Perush ʻal ha-Torah. 
    owned by Maurice and Badona Spertus
    full details
  • c. 1964, in Waltham, MA
    as Perush ʻal ha-Torah. 
    owned by Brandeis University Library
    full details
  • 1885, in Vilnius, Vilnius, Lithuania
    as Perush ʻal ha-Torah. 
    owned by Mattityahu Strashun
    full details
  • 1901 - 1941, in Vilnius, Vilnius, Lithuania
    as Perush ʻal ha-Torah. 
    owned by Strashun Library, Vilna
    full details
  • 1946 - 1947, in Offenbach am Main, Hesse, Germany
    as Perush ʻal ha-Torah. 
    full details
  • 1947, in New York, New York, United States
    as Perush ʻal ha-Torah. 
    owned by YIVO NY
    full details
  • 1599, in Modena, Italy
    as Perush ʻal ha-Torah ʻal derekh ha-beʾur 
    full details
  • c. 1907? - 1986, in Philadelphia, United States
    as Perush ʻal ha-Torah ʻal derekh ha-beʾur 
    owned by Dropsie College Library
    full details
  • 1986, in Philadelphia, United States
    as Perush ʻal ha-Torah ʻal derekh ha-beʾur 
    owned by Annenberg Research Institute
    full details
  • 1993, in Philadelphia, United States
    as Perush ʻal ha-Torah ʻal derekh ha-beʾur 
    owned by The Library of the Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies as KCAJS, The University of Pennsylvania
    full details
  • ? - 1813, in Amsterdam
    as Ralbag on the Torah 
    owned by Shlomo Dubno as שלמה מדובנא
    full details
  • 1814, in Amsterdam, Nederland
    as Ralbag on the Torah 
    owned by I. Grobety
    full details
  • July 13, 1814, in Amsterdam, Nederland
    as Ralbag on the Torah 
    full details
  • 20th century, in Brooklyn, USA
    as Ralbag on the Torah 
    owned by Eliezer Lipa Gartenhaus
    full details
  • 2017, in Seattle, USA
    as Ralbag on the Torah 
    owned by Eli Genauer
    full details
  • 1983, in Amsterdam
    as Peirush al Hatorah 
    full details
  • c. 1630s? - c. 1653?, in London, England, United Kingdom
    as Perush ʻal ha-Torah. 
    owned by John Selden
    full details
  • 1655, in Oxford, England, United Kingdom
    as Perush ʻal ha-Torah. 
    owned by Bodleian Library, Oxford
    full details
  • in New York, New York, United States
    as Perush al ha-Torah al Derekh Biyur 
    owned by Jewish Theological Seminary
    full details
  • as Perush al ha-Torah al Derekh Biyur 
    full details
  • 1687, in Urbino, The Marches, Italy
    as Perush al ha-Torah al Derekh Biyur 
    full details
  • in Kyiv, Kyiv City, Ukraine
    as Perush al ha-Torah al Derekh Biyur 
    owned by Mendel Morowchik
    full details
  • ? - January 15, 1932
    as Perush al ha-Torah al Derekh Biyur 
    owned by Paula Brown
    full details
  • January 15, 1934, in New York, New York, United States
    as Perush al ha-Torah al Derekh Biyur 
    owned by Jewish Theological Seminary
    full details
  • in New York, New York, United States
    as Perush al ha-Torah al Derekh Biyur 
    owned by Jewish Theological Seminary
    full details
  • as Perush al ha-Torah al Derekh Biyur 
    full details
  • ? - 1893, in Berlin, Berlin, Germany
    as Perush al ha-Torah al Derekh Biyur 
    owned by David Cassel
    full details
  • ? - 1956, in Chicago, Illinois, United States
    as Perush al ha-Torah al Derekh Biyur 
    owned by Levy, Felix A.
    full details
  • June 20, 1956, in New York, New York, United States
    as Perush al ha-Torah al Derekh Biyur 
    owned by Jewish Theological Seminary
    full details
  • ? - October 28, 1929
    as Perush al ha-Torah 
    owned by J Biegeleisen
    full details
  • ? - October 28, 1929, in Oyster Bay Cove, New York, United States
    as Perush al ha-Torah 
    owned by Mortimer L. Schiff, Esq.
    full details
  • October 29, 1929, in New York, New York, United States
    as Perush al ha-Torah 
    owned by Jewish Theological Seminary
    full details

Toaliyot ha-Ralbag 14 book copies

Published 1560, Riva del Garda, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy
  • in New York, New York, United States
    as To'aliyot ha-Ralbag 
    owned by Jewish Theological Seminary
    full details
  • as To'aliyot ha-Ralbag 
    owned by Mayer Sulzberger
    full details
  • in New York, New York, United States
    as To'aliyot ha-Ralbag 
    owned by Jewish Theological Seminary
    full details
  • ? - 1727, in Mantova, Lombardy, Italy
    as To'aliyot ha-Ralbag 
    owned by Sanson Sacerdote Modon
    full details
  • ? - December 8, 1801, in Mantova, Lombardy, Italy
    as To'aliyot ha-Ralbag 
    owned by Leon Samuel Dalla Volta
    full details
  • December 8, 1801, in Mantova, Lombardy, Italy
    as To'aliyot ha-Ralbag 
    owned by Samuel Vita Dalla Volta
    full details
  • 1853, in Mantova, Lombardy, Italy
    as To'aliyot ha-Ralbag 
    owned by Marco Mortara
    full details
  • 1895, in Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
    as To'aliyot ha-Ralbag 
    owned by David Kaufmann
    full details
  • 1905, in Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
    as To'aliyot ha-Ralbag 
    owned by Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
    full details
  • 18th century, in Pesaro, Italy
    as Toʻaliyyot ha-Rav Levi ben Gershom 
    owned by Asher Viterbo
    full details
  • c. 1870s? - c. 1883?, in Trento, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy
    as Toʻaliyyot ha-Rav Levi ben Gershom 
    owned by Giovanni Battista a Prato
    full details
  • 21st century, in Trento, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy
    as Toʻaliyyot ha-Rav Levi ben Gershom 
    owned by Biblioteca comunale di Trento
    full details
  • 1861? - 1936, in Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
    as Toʻaliyyot ha-Rav Levi ben Gershom 
    owned by Ludwig Blau
    full details
  • 1937, in Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
    as Toʻaliyyot ha-Rav Levi ben Gershom 
    owned by University of Glasgow
    full details
  • c. 1897?, in Russia
    as To'aliyot ha-Ralbag 
    owned by A. M. Bank
    full details
  • May 1897, in New York, New York, United States
    as To'aliyot ha-Ralbag 
    owned by New York Public Library
    full details
  • as To'aliyot ha-Ralbag 
    owned by Anonymous
    full details
  • 1599?, in Mantova, Lombardy, Italy
    as To'aliyot ha-Ralbag 
    full details
  • 20th century?, in Boston, Massachusetts, United States
    as To'aliyot ha-Ralbag 
    owned by Hebrew Teachers College
    full details
  • 2021, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    as To'aliyot ha-Ralbag 
    owned by The Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, University of Toronto
    full details
  • c. 1560s? - c. 1700s?
    as תועליות הרלב׳׳ג 
    owned by Chajjm Levi Meldoz
    full details
  • c. 1600? - May 22, 1783?, in Padova, Italia
    as תועליות הרלב׳׳ג 
    owned by Biblioteca Pontificia Antoniana, Padua
    full details
  • c. 1600s? - May 22, 1783?, in Padova, Italia
    as תועליות הרלב׳׳ג 
    owned by Biblioteca Pontificia Antoniana, Padua
    full details
  • as To'aliyot ha-Ralbag 
    full details
  • 1617, in מנטובה
    as To'aliyot ha-Ralbag 
    full details
  • 1884 - 1964?, in Jerusalem, Israel
    as To'aliyot ha-Ralbag 
    owned by Dr. Bruno Kirschner
    full details
  • 1986, in Amsterdam
    as She'elot u-Teshuvot 
    full details
  • 1986, in Amsterdam
    as To'aliyot ha-Ralbag 
    full details
  • 1758 - 1759, in London, England, United Kingdom
    as To'aliyot ha-Ralbag 
    owned by Solomon da Costa Athias
    full details
  • 1759, in London, England, United Kingdom
    as To'aliyot ha-Ralbag 
    owned by British Library (British Museum)
    full details
  • in Oxford, England, United Kingdom
    as To'aliyot ha-Ralbag 
    owned by Bodleian Library, Oxford
    full details
  • c. 1703? - c. 1736?, in Hannover, Lower Saxony, Germany
    as To'aliyot ha-Ralbag 
    owned by Oppenheim, David b. Abraham
    full details
  • c. 1630? - c. 1653?, in London, England, United Kingdom
    as תועליות הרלב׳׳ג 
    owned by John Selden
    full details
  • 1655, in Oxford, England, United Kingdom
    as תועליות הרלב׳׳ג 
    owned by Bodleian Library, Oxford
    full details
  • 1885, in Vilnius, Vilnius, Lithuania
    as Toʻaliyot ha-Ralbag : ʻal ha-Torah u-Neviʾim. 
    owned by Mattityahu Strashun
    full details
  • 1901 - 1941, in Vilnius, Vilnius, Lithuania
    as Toʻaliyot ha-Ralbag : ʻal ha-Torah u-Neviʾim. 
    owned by Strashun Library, Vilna
    full details
  • 1946 - 1947, in Offenbach am Main, Hesse, Germany
    as Toʻaliyot ha-Ralbag : ʻal ha-Torah u-Neviʾim. 
    full details
  • 1947, in New York, New York, United States
    as Toʻaliyot ha-Ralbag : ʻal ha-Torah u-Neviʾim. 
    owned by YIVO NY
    full details
Imprint Footprint Multiple